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Dungeon Crusher Hack 8 Desember 2018

Dungeon Crusher Hack 8 Desember 2018
Hacked / Modified DLL Contains:
  • One Hit Kill
  • Clicker Bot Detection Bypassed
Link Download : 
[-]Dungeon Crusher Hacked Dll : Click
[-]Tutorial Video : Click

Steps (Or Read the Read Me File Inside the zip file):
  1. Download the hacked DLL from below.
  2. Start your game. After it loads, start your Task Manager.
  3. Look for “dungeoncrusher.exe” process. Right click on right, click on “Open file location”.
  4. After doing the above step, it will open a window with few folders in it.
  5. Go to cdungeoncrusher_Data>Managed
  6. Copy and replace the downloaded file in the above folder.

Sumber http://www.masterhackgame.com/