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Hunters League Hack 23 Desember 2018

Hunters League Hack 23 Desember 2018
Modified / Hacked DLL Contains:
  • Enable this first / Anti-cheat bypass
  • Disable enemies : The enemies , including all the bosses, are disabled. They do not attack you at all.
  • 50,000 Damage : Your basic attacks do 50k damage every hit. This works with all the characters / hunters of the game.
  • Instant Skills : You can use your skills instantly. Without waiting for the mana to fill up ! The team skill is not instant but the individual character / hunter skills are instant.
  • Attack Speed Hack (NEW)
  • Hunter Stats Hack (NEW)
Link Download :
[-]Hunter Legue Dll : Click Click
[-]Tutorial Video : Click

Steps (Or Watch The Video Tutorial):
  1. Download the hacked DLL with mod menu from below.
  2. Start your game. After it loads, start your Task Manager.
  3. Look for “HuntersLeague_FB_PROD(*)_2017-*.exe” process. Right click on right, click on “Open file location”.
  4. After doing the above step, it will open a window with few folders in it.
  5. Goto HuntersLeague_FB_PROD(*)_2017-*_data>Managed
  6. Copy and replace the downloaded file in the above folder. (* represents any random number)
Note: If any of the hacks are not working then let us know by commenting below so that we can update the hacks as soon as possible! Thanks to Mika Cybertron for Attack Speed and Stats Hack

Sumber http://www.masterhackgame.com/